I wanted to create something that interacted with the geometry and objects in the room. I like bright colors, and wanted to have something that was unified and able to be run with or without a background track.
I began by mapping each of the projectors, including as much detail as I could in the form of quads. This took an eternity. I mapped out all of the pipes, ceiling, walls, cabinets, projectors, unnecessary shadows, etc. for each of the setups.
Once I had completed creating all the quads for each setup, I exported the output to vector so that I could manipulate the geometry in after effects. I pulled the raw vectors into illustrator put each quad on its own layer so that AE could read them as separate objects.
I imported the illustrator file into AE (as composition - retain layer sizes; makes it easier to manipulate later) and began messing with one layer to see what kind of things I could do. I was able to come up with a couple effects that randomized the color of the layer and rotated through different colors at a good pace. I copied this effect tree to all of the other objects. Because the effects were randomized individually, each layer was a different color at a different time.
After figuring out the main code, it was just a matter of applying it to all of the layers (excluding the masking layers, which were left black). After I had exported the final animations, I brought them back into MM and had do some some small adjustments to match them up perfectly with the original quads. I also had the animations bounce so there wouldn't be a seam and they could loop infinitely independent of one another.
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