Sunday, April 1, 2018

Kuo-Wei Lee Project 4: Relief Mapping (Week 9-12)

Social Mask

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successfull personality and duplicate it.” ― Bruce Lee
There is something about wearing a mask that changes you. Because you are more anonymous, you feel a certain sense of freedom. You can express hidden aspects of your personality without fear.

Masking is a process in which an individual changes or "masks" their natural personality to conform to social pressures, abuse, and/or harassment. Some examples of masking are a single overly dominant temperament, or humor, two incongruent temperaments, or displaying three of the four main temperaments within the same individual. Masking can be strongly influenced by environmental factors such as authoritarian parents, rejection, and emotionalphysical, or sexual abuse. An individual may not even know he or she is wearing a mask because it is a behavior that can take many forms.

Wearing a mask protects people from vulnerability. I fear that if I stand tall and exposed, I’ll be “weak” in some way. But when you wear a mask you stand in resistance to your true life and end up attracting realities that conflict with who you really are.

So, Take off your mask!


Special Scan - Capture the real size and ratio into madmapper as a reference to help us for next step: Calibration 

note: Camera's iso setting should not be too high or it would catch so much noise to affect the quality of image.

Test 01: 1/40, 5.6, iso 1600                                    Test 02: 1/15, 5.6, iso 400

Special Scan

Align & Calibration - Import UV file(.obj) to madmapper and roughly position / align it to the model of backdrop image. Then align the 3D file to the real model or the picture which I just special scanned, the calibration process will need at least 6 alignment point to perform this operation. The last but not least, refine the tweaks by moving extra alignment points.

UV file


Generate Content - The 3D surface layer in madmapper we just created is very powerful to control lighting resource, add vector lines layer, and put texture materials on it etc.

Here's the Social Mask:

Social Mask

Social Mask in Mad. White point is lighting resource

Social Mask

Another Relief practice:

Relief Mapping Practice

Relief Mapping Practice

Relief Mapping Practice with Marvel Studio Opening

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