Sunday, February 5, 2023

Yvonne Yu: Projection 1 Backdrop Mapping


original photo

For my project, I wanted the compositions of my scenes to be themed around the ocean and ocean life. Since this is a new medium for me, I chose a photo of the Sciences building on campus as I felt the flat walls would be a good starting point and still look interesting. I took the photo right before it got dark and felt the cool, blue tones of the photo would match well with ocean imagery. I wanted to create compositions that allowed me to experiment with the program while conveying my concept.



I started my project by creating masks for each side of my composition. After masking each side, I messed around with different materials and settings. 

scene 1: sunlight layer

For my first scene, I used public materials to create the look of coral and the upper layer of the ocean. I used sine dynamics, perlin noise fun, and fractal warping on three sides of the building. I adjusted the colors to be more colorful and cool toned to represent different coral reefs. I synced the perlin noise fun and fractal warping side to an instrumental called Woods by Hawkins.

scene 2

For my second scene, I experimented with my own media by creating a short procreate animation of a fish swimming. I used two other public materials: layered and abstract. I adjusted the colors and scale to imitate waves and water. I synced the abstract material with an instrumental called Zion by SalmonLikeFish. This scene is meant to represent the upper-middle layer of the ocean or the twilight zone.

scene 3

For my third scene, I chose darker materials and colors to mimic the lower levels of the ocean. I used public materials called strange surface and paint to mimic the flow of water and the darkness of the lower ocean levels. I synced the strange surface walls with an instrumental called Whale Lines by Dave Nelson.



For my scenes I wanted them to represent different zones of the ocean. I chose to represent the zones through the colors, pattern, and movements of each material. I added on audios that I felt also matched each zone and would add to the imagery I used. After finishing my project, there are things I would do differently with the patterns and designs. However, I feel that I was able to experiment and learned a lot about the program. 

Links to the free domain music I used:

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