Sunday, March 5, 2023

Cheyenne Vallier Project 2: Tape Mapping 


The concept for the tape mapping project is directly influenced metamorphosis of a moth. I decided upon the moth to tape up because their journey is similar to mine. Although the end result is subjectively complete, moths and butterflies undergo a "disjointed" journey before they change into who they are meant to become. A cocoon is essentially a safe haven, however it does not go unnoticed. Personally, it has taken me a long time to "break out" of my "shell". I felt as if all eyes were on me, and in the beginning it was very stressful/isolating. The song I used was actually created by myself, and the lyrics correlate to the concept of transformation. I chose to use certain images and lines to sync up to the audio so I could emphasize the lyrics importance and allow for a moving composition. The scenes I used go in order of a sense of being distraught, viewed inner healing (circle), and finally, acceptance and rebirth.


I decided to utilize audio sync for majority of aspects, especially the moth itself. I created the song using Ableton on my Shure SM7B, and wrote it in my notes on my phone. After mastering, I exported it and imported it back into MadMapper.
I used for free videos to display on the background and in the moth. Since the music was pulsating, it literally gives life to the center of the project. I used Scenes and Cues to switch from stage to stage and added fades to translate the topics into one another. Also, texts display an upfront description of the concept, and allows the viewer to better understand what they will be watching.
There are blatant metaphors in the flying moth and the eyes, resembling how perception when growing can seem overbearing or anxiety inducing.


The moth and eyes were the only constant between the scene changes, and I wanted to emphasize that. At first, there is nothing within the moth, and there is a distressed man alone in the woods in the background. This represents the struggle and the uncertainty my early life, or rather, any ones early life could be. 

The second scene introduces more eyes and a moving moth with an eye in it. The moving object juxtaposes the center insect because the one moving is filled with an image, and the stationary one is not. The circle around it represents a disturbance in the cocoon (safe space), and sets up the viewer for the next scene: the awakening. 

Finally, the last scene offers a more on the nose depiction of "escape". The moth has broken out of its shell. There are people all around, walking at the pace to the sound, yet the moth has a duplicate above itself. I wanted to symbolize that, although it is done in its cocoon, there are other beings out there who have gone through the same experiences.


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