Monday, May 1, 2023

Chanlyr Jordan, Reina Park, Caleb Wang : Context Mapping


For our final context mapping project, we decided to use two walls: the north and the south in the classroom to project. We chose to create a three-minute composition that was themed around a “vibrant geometric composition: The Beauty of Nature” for each wall to start off.


Techniques: Since the two files were already provided on e-learning, we started our project by downloading

the given files on the lab computer. Then, we started creating an experimental composition in MadMapper.

For the south wall, we masked the cabinet and the pillar out and created quads for those to make our composition unique and experimental. We also added lines on the cabinet to add some contrast between the wall and the background. We went the extra step and added an mp3 file of ambient/experimental-sounding music in order to add depth to the experimental feeling we were aiming for. Moreover, we included audio controls in MadMapper in order to make our composition appear more compelling, especially in our work on the South wall since it might look overly simple without them.

For the north wall, since our theme is a “vibrant geometric composition”, we went ahead and played around with different effects that fit in with and complement our chosen theme. We focused on creating a compelling and visually pleasing composition with effects that look geometric. In order to do this we placed a major emphasis on using fractal geometry effects to achieve our desired vision and theme. Moreover, we also decided to layer some quads that we used to apply for the Janus Head to make our composition even more unique and sophisticated. It is through these techniques that we were able to achieve our desired theme.

Reina: For the second scene, I wanted to create a smooth transition between the first and the third.

I decided to use the KaleidoFlower effect from the MadMapper library as a background due to its geometric

and fractal nature. For the head, I layered the Layered and Jelly Boxes effects by using the Subtract

layering method, since they both have geometric and vibrant features 

Caleb: For the third scene, I wanted the materials I chose to at least relate to the art piece on which it was

being cast. I wanted to create something that would have a nod towards psychology and the human brain.

I decided to add a Rorschach effect to my piece to allude to that psychological aspect and show effects in

the background that were reminiscent of brain waves.


This project allowed us to explore previous projects on a larger scale and really explore different materials and visual effects. It helped reinforce the concepts we learned over the semester and use them in a way that really used the projectors around the room. Using multiple projectors for the first time was also an interesting challenge, as getting them all set up properly was a process in and of itself.

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