Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Zahra Jafarpour - Projection Mapping #1: Talk to Us


Making short videos that show familiar yet unconventional actions. In addition to these videos, a series of conversations reinforce the significance of these actions and provide a fresh perspective. I use these videos as self-portraits to communicate my concerns over the past year through performance art.


Initially, I planned to create a subtitled video. After discovering Madmapper, I decided to find an angle in ATEC with three walls. Finally, I chose the exit stairwell on the 4th floor. A brief video will be projected on one wall while text will be displayed on two adjacent walls. Using this approach, I am able to present my video in a 3D environment, fostering a dialogue rather than a monologue. The text movement in Madmapper (FX) plays a significant role in conveying meaning within this context.


The concept involved me seated behind a table, wearing a white formal shirt. At the table, I placed a measuring container filled with water and submerged my head in it. This act aimed to compel someone to address something they avoided. A notable distinction in my work was that the hand immersed in the water was mine.

I poured uncooked rice into a glass and attempted to drink it—an impossible task. The sensation of those tasteless, minuscule seeds striking my teeth, my inability to swallow them, and their sharpness in my mouth symbolized a reflection of my identity.

I recorded myself scratching a wound. As a metaphor, I use this act to illustrate memory's natural tendency to forget and my decision not to do so.


Here is the link to the video: TalkToUs

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