Monday, January 22, 2018

Maritza Soriano: Project 01-Backdrop Mapping

Concept: Since this was the first time I've ever done something like projection mapping, I decided to go with something not too big, and familiar. I also wanted to try to find places that had a lot of flat surfaces to play around with. I tended to stay around the ATEC building while looking for possible shots, and did venture out to the library at some point. My biggest concern was finding interesting but simple shots as a starting point. Once I found my photos, I wanted to see if I could find a sort of story or message to tell with my image. I settled on one of the side entryways to ATEC, and some visual inspiration from "Come Find Me" by Sigma (featuring Birdy).
For my second composition, I Wanted to utilize the big curved wall in ATEC. I thought these two walls would be great message boards. While the slabs are more for decoration.


I started off by laying down all of my desired quads, that way I could just drag and drop effects that I thought seemed fit for my idea. After that I started putting masks on the layers that needed them, and then grouped my extra mask layers to their respective "section." Each flat surface had their own little subsection and group (if extra masks were required), and then I grouped them all into 3 big groups (Left, Center, and Right). After the base was laid out, I started experimenting with different effects. I wanted to capture the sporadic and frantic energy from the Music Video, while also trying to make sure the composition as a whole didn't feel too overwhelming. The majority of my materials/effects flow in the direction of the door, directing the viewer in that direction. I debated on putting the lyrics "Come find me" in there, but I couldn't find a typeface I liked, nor could I figure out the kind of effect that I wanted. 

For the second composition, I tried my hand at a grid in order to utilize the scoring on the big curved wall, in hopes to give the projection more depth. However the effects that I went with, didn't showcase that very well. I went in with the noise effect, and then overlaid it with the "wobbly circles" effect to make it less harsh. For the other slabs and walls, I went with more randomized geometric designs that are reminiscent of loading screens, and the geometric design outside of the building (Where it says "Edith O' Donnell arts and technology building), in order to establish a sense of unity. In order to bring in a splash of color without getting too crazy, I sticked with UTD's color scheme of green, white, and orange 

Interpretation: After going through the tutorials over MadMapper basics, the software was pleasantly easy to use and grasp. Granted I'll need to learn more about it before I can make anything amazing in it, but the simple and user-friendly interface was a breath of fresh air. I can't wait to delve more into how to properly utilize subdivisions and mixing different affects/layer styles.


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