Monday, October 9, 2023

Alan Yu - Project 2 Tape Mapping


After Project 1, I knew that I wanted to do something more performance-based project for the next one. I made a demo session on Ableton with some Techno/House beats and I hope to use that with MadMapper

First, 3D Model. For this project, I wanted to use a .obj mask to tape. I have almost no experience working with 3D objects, so I went to our good friend Google for help.

Candidate 1: Too complex, too many small lines.

Candidate 2: Not exactly a 3D mask, but the lines are solid.

After importing the .obj into Madmapper, I started taping.

After the basics, I tried different textures from the library to build scenes.

As usual, I synced up the internal clock in MadMapper to Ableton via Ableton Link. Additionally, I added a midi channel sending midi signals to MadMapper

Inside Ableton: Sending Midi (Visual Trigger)

Triggering a scene through Midi - Mapped on MadMapper

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