Monday, October 9, 2023

Zahra Jafarpour, Projection Mapping#2 : Eating the Eater

 Eating has been a central theme in several of my works. Eating is instinctual; it's something we are compelled to do, and it's a commonality shared between humans and animals. On the other hand, it can also be cultural, serving as the substance of social interactions and human relationships, which I find intriguing.

The connection between eating and the home/kitchen, money, history, and geography adds depth to this action for me on multiple levels. The drawing shows me with four fingers in my mouth. This serves as a symbol of inner anger and sorrow that I must confront in solitude. However, the circle around my face and the presence of a cup, knife, fork, spoon, and napkin indicate that I have become sustenance not only for myself but also for others—a subject to be consumed and savored!

First, I transferred my self-portrait onto a sheet of plexiglass using thin black tape. This not only helped me do the project but also allowed me to experience the possibilities of projecting a video or image onto plexiglass. Subsequently, I transferred objects related to a dining table to the surroundings of my self-portrait and onto the 3D Studio's wall using tape.

I added a red surface to the portrait and turned the cup's surface blue by masking.

With a glass of water, all of this may be sallowed!

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