Monday, May 7, 2018

James Hoggatt Project 04: Relief Mapping

Paranoia is something that I've struggled with in the past and I'ts been a bit of a creative block at times. I wanted to get that out of my way creatively. I just needed to express it through this new creative channel, projection mapping. so I found several videos of eyes and sampled them. making a collage with a kaleidoscope effect. This was to simulate what it can feel like to be under the harsh eye of scrutiny. I have a lot of sympathy for people that have succumbed to the pressure of society. and have heard the plight of so many broken and beaten individuals. I can't fully grasp the kind of fear and defeat that they have expressed to me on the streets. But mental health has become such a problem in our population, especially this generation. I don't know how to help or even effectively talk about such things but I just felt like I needed to acknowledge it. 
This look was made entirely in mad mapper with only 6 different samples. I used different videos to give the effect that there is light coming from below. and the shadow on top. 

I was really happy to see that I had inspired someone. I'm really not sure which of you made this but I love it and I think that it works better than what I made. or at least comes off a bit cleaner. Really good work.

I posted both of these to Instagram with a mad mapper tag. Mad Mapper re-shared it as the post of the day. It was nice to have my work appreciated by so many people on social media platform I've only just started to use.

"Geo Growth"
Based on a sketch by David, I modeled this geometric bulgy relief. after uploading it to Discord It was fully built and hanging two days later when I got to class. I'm very impressed by everyone in this class that continually added creativity and built on each other's Ideas. I used the model to render out several black and white masks distorting and stretching the model in different ways. layering these together gave me some very interesting effects. The concept and overall result of this project was a sense of collaboration and while most looks that were made with this piece were of relatively low concept and high in visual appeal. It kind of seemed like everyone wanted to use this to make things that were low energy and simple. In fact, the trend seems to be that when there is something that needs activating in the space like a face sculpture or lion tape people match the energy of that thing and really light it up! and for this piece, everyone seemed to want to simplify and refine a single idea. 

I used these in Blender as backgrounds to model the object. around. Then I extruded all the points at different distances to make a similar shape.

Geo Growth
by BuffaBen on Sketchfab
Then I used the freedom of blender to make some cool black and white textures of the shape. layering coloring and blending them until I got the look that I was going for.

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