Sunday, February 5, 2023

Eli Slack Projection 1 Background Mapping


This piece was, more than anything, an exercise in becoming familiar with the software. As a not particularly tech savvy individual, I anticipate creating much cooler projections throughout the course, but I am happy with this piece as a starting point in order to reference in the future. I kept things very simple, using the media provided by MadMapper, with the singular goal of finding a comfortable rhythm within the software. 


I knew I wanted to use a photo I took from my time abroad, and I think I will continue this method throughout the duration of the course, as I have many photographs of tons of interesting architecture. This picture depicts the Duomo, a cathedral in Florence, Italy.  Maybe next assignment, I'll slap my face on the Colosseum! 
After choosing the photo, I uploaded it into MadMapper and got to work designating areas to be projected upon. I chose four areas of the structure that I felt would lend the most naturally to projection mapping, and then selected the materials from the provided options. I adjusted the colors of the various components so that it went from violet to blue to teal to green, hoping to subtly imply the cool tones of the rainbow as the viewer looks from left to right. 


This work is a decent starting point, to get comfortable using the software. It isn't particularly daring or flashy, but was viewed by me more as an exercise. In the future, I would like to learn to map things more accurately, perhaps even adjusting to make the recesses where the statues are placed either masked off or mapped in a way that would incorporate the architectural design a bit more rather than setting the maps just directly on top of the image. But as it stands, I am content with this piece and I feel more confident approaching the software now for potentially more challenging tasks. 

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