Monday, October 1, 2018

Demetri Suttle Week 6: Tape Mapping

  • Concept
My concept was based on the song Blood on the Leaves by the being formerly known as Kanye West. Currently known as 'Ye', the song features an introduction with samples from Nina Simone's lines on the song “Strange Fruit,” which was based on the poem written by Abel Meeropol. With a focus on how African americans face many racial challenges including pressure into drugs, poverty, and crime.

  • Process
I used the Trumpet tape map created by Paul Hinderliter. The trumpet was my selection because it best fit the theme i was going for with the song. The Blood drips from the trumpet as the music begins, highlighting the stark contrast between the beauty we may hear musically, and the reality of the situation and what goes on behind the scenes that we may not see. The blood only drips from the trumpet and we cannot see what or who it is coming from on the inside. I also had the valves of the trumpet lighting up in sync to maintain some sort of rhythm in the composition to tie it in to the music. I didn't want the leaves to distract the viewer from the trumpet which is why i made them move more slowly.

  • Interpretation
The trumpet itself is simply the medium by which i decided to tie the piece together. The red leaves falling combine with the blood dripping to create a dark atmosphere that helps to push the message of the song.

Final Video:

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