Monday, February 15, 2021

Bayang Flores: Projection 1 Background Mapping

// Concept
    For my project I decided to center my designs around three basic holidays-- New Year, Valentine's Day, and Halloween. Though I live in an apartment, I imagined what it would be like to use projection mapping to decorate accordingly during said holidays. I considered taking a photo of some of the houses around my neighborhood, but decided it might come off as creepy and opted to settle for my apartment exterior instead. 

// Technique
    To create the different compositions, I played around with the quad layers and added masks with the line tool to remove parts and pieces I didn't want the projections on. For each holiday, I looked for free video loops on YouTube I could download and map onto my scene. I primarily used the quad mask and the line tool. 

// Interpretation
    The Valentine's composition is my most simple composition, with just three basic areas and three separate video loops. With the New Year's composition, I decided to up the complexity and added more masks and more surfaces to project on. I also layered the text to scroll continuously through the three main surfaces of the image. Finally, the Halloween projection was the most complex of my compositions. I layered a zombie walk cycle along where their shadows would most likely fall along the walls and added separate quads for each face of the hedge along the walkway so that the shadow would wrap around it as they walked. I also used two separate quads in the center for the ghouls flying upward to have it be continuous and to scale. Lastly, I added some zombie hands in the window while the shadows walked past to give it a little bit of depth. 

//  Bonus?
    Just since it's my first time working with MadMapper, I took a little bit of time to play with the software. I ended up editing these images I had taken before with it, and it turned out pretty neat! I used the "caustics" preset to act as water reflections, and I'm happy with how it turned out. I'm excited to see how much this software can do! 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work. What you can do with this software is only limited by your imagination.
