Monday, February 22, 2021

Khadeeja Zulqarnain: Project 1 Background Mapping


For my capstone I've been doing a lot of research related to time and its interpretation. As a result of consuming so much time related media I've had a hard time connecting it all together. I decided to use projection mapping as a way to visualize an excerpt from one of the media that stood out most to me. I tried to think how I would present the concept to an audience who does not know what it is. I used some YouTube videos of galaxies to convey the spatial time relation.


First I added my background image, which is a photo of the back of my house. I chose this setting because it already had some easy geometry that I could follow. I then created quads according to the walls and garage doors and masked out anything unnecessary. For the content I used the high wall to display the text because a flat surface is better for visibility. For the garage doors and lower walls I cycled through the textures and played around with the parameters and blending modes to find the best combinations. I used the stencil luma blend mode for most of my quads because it took out the unnecessary background coloring and helped make everything look more put together. 

Each composition has a transition, they are simple and mostly involve color and text change. To do this I created the first scene, stored it, and then edited the elements to store as a new scene. To make for a smooth transition I used the ease in function with a 2 second timing. 

I also used some videos of galaxies, which I screen captured from YouTube. I wanted to add more, but I found that MadMapper was only allowing me five. 


I was inspired by a book I read recently for my capstone project titled 'Einstein's Dreams' by Alan Lightman where the main character Einstein explores theories of time presented to the reader as short stories. My favorite theory was that of time existing on the three mathematical planes x, y, and z where every choice has three outcomes. Yes, no, and unanswered. I took a literal approach with the text but the visual elements are more symbolic and vague. 

Composition 1:

"What if time exists in three dimensions"

This text presents the first part of the theory. The blue to red transition is a reference to the famous pill scene from the Matrix where blue represents the ignorance of living in the current world and the red represents breaking through to see the reality. 

"Every choice creates three timelines"

This text is accompanied with the red graphics because in the theory it is the reality of the situation and this composition as a whole is meant to represent an awakening or realization.

Composition 2:

"The 'X', the 'Y', the 'Z'"

Although not said to be outright mathematical a reference is made in the choice of background accompanying this text as it is a collection of math equations. Below are three quads labeled X, Y and Z meant to label the three for the second part of the composition and the final composition. 

"Do you know which timeline is yours?"

For this scene the graphics are videos of galaxies because passage of time depends on the motion and energy of the cosmos. Meaning that there are indeed different timelines in existence because elements within other celestial systems work differently than our own and therefore have a different concept of time. 

Composition 3:

"You can assume that your timeline is the best..."

This part is meant to make the viewer speculate on the state of their own timeline. Everyone wants to think that there's no other way things in their lives could have played out. For this I made a soft pastel scene to represent positive emotions and optimism.

"...But it might be the worst one"

However, every decision branches out into a new timeline and makes it so that we are infinitely creating new timelines up until our expiration. And so how can you know which timeline is better? Even in hindsight we can not predict what the outcome may have been because new choices are presented in the future. Here I transitioned from bright colors to dull blue tones to represent the uncertainty and fear of not knowing. 

Final video:

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