Monday, May 10, 2021

Adan Morales Final Project


I wanted to revisit my shoe project and add more sections and scenes to it. Last time, the cityscape took over most of the surface area of the shoe but this time I added a black box in the background to project it there instead. That way, I had more are of my canvas for more videos. The idea is to show different aspects of night life and activities that are associated with wearing shoes like the one being used for the project.


I added a galaxy along the soul and the front to encompass the rest of the shoe and give it a stronger foundation to help with cohesiveness. The color palette is derived from this galaxy which helps to bring everything together nicely. There are six different quadrants this time including the box that is separate from the shoe. The lines and one of the quadrants are tied to the music. The music itself has two different rhythms, it starts slow and picks up the pace half way.


The music is definitely what drives the mood of the piece. The song starts slow on a lo-fi rhythm and we see someone skating and someone doing graffiti, however, when the rhythm gets more intense, the scene changes to street racing and police sirens to represent how more chaotic it can be if you increase the rhythm while being out at night in the city.

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